
The Gamble of a nation

Jaipur, 21 September 2019 – With his calm and composed temperament, to asking vital questions of public interest, the kind of journalism Ravish Kumar is following is gaining appreciation from media professionals all over the world. In today’s time of hate-speech propaganda, the sober journalism of Ravish Kumar has made him win the prestigious Ramon Magsaysay Award in 2019. In an exclusive interview, Ravish talked on moot topics of fake news propaganda, the menial educational system of the country, etc.,  on day two of Talk Journalism 2019 held in Jaipur. 

It is not unknown that he has, at many times openly criticized his fellow prime-time journalists. With a snappy wisecrack, he pinpointed the kind of degrading language being used in the journalism industry for the sole purpose of political propaganda is nothing but just the absence of love and tenderness in the early years of their lifeThese days, journalists are working as a ringmaster for powerful people,” said Ravish Kumar about the current situation of the Indian media.  

He feels that the youth of the nation is being conned by the people in power. The lack of high-quality education in the country is also a major determinant of increasing fake news which has eventually debased the credibility of the Indian media all over the world. “Even the honorable prime minister along with many chief ministers of prominent states are unable to pin down any good government educational institutions in their respective areas.” Such shortfall of educational institutions has made it easier for fake news to expand as a new industry in the market. This lack of proper knowledge has eventually made the youth lose its objectivity along with the ability to question the people in power regarding crucial issues of their interests. “The coming generation is not completely westernized neither are they completely Indianised, they are just hanging over the abyss.” He feels a sense of sympathy for the Indian youth as this lack of knowledge and eventually, the coming unemployment would waste all their capabilities and they would just be like a pawn in the hands of the people in power using them for their personal benefits. Every day,  while addressing the nation in his prime times, he urges the Indian masses to start distinguishing between what really is being served to them during the prime times at different TV media channels and just not read news and rather start understanding it. 

Also while being asked about his advice to young budding journalists of the, he urges them to read well and write daily. “It’s not a joke at all to write 5000 words daily but still I try to accomplish it,” said Ravish, who believes that a journalist should always have objectivity and compassion going hand in hand in his mind and heart. He also asks them to stop being ‘the photocopies’ and rather try to be themselves. 

Ravish sees this whole scenario as the start of the downfall of journalism and society along with the whole nation. But still, somewhere deep in his heart he still has some hope left for the bright future. But it depends on us, whether we would try to save ourselves from this precarious scenario or not. 

Text: Yeshassavi Pandita | Copy Edit: Rupali Soni | Photo Desk: Sagar Samuel | Editorial Corodination: Rupali Soni & Niharika Raina